Monday, July 03, 2006

Talking! Talking!

I never believed the positive people who told me he'd suddenly start talking.

This morning, Matt sat with Eliott in the living room.
'Can you say mummy?' he asked.
'Mummy,' said Eliott.
'Can you say Daddy?'
'Daddy,' came the reply.
'What about batman?'

This went on for some time. Before today, Eliott has never repeated words on demand. Now he's repeating his entire repertoire - and having a go at words he's never attempted before. His confidence increases with every one - he even pointed at himself and tried to say 'Eliott' this afternoon and attempted 'grandama' on the phone to my mum. It might not sound like much to those who have 25 month olds singing songs and saying sentences, but once he gets going I daresay he'll catch up with his peers and will have a few surprises in store for all of us ('Mummy, why have you been slagging off X, Y and Z for the last six months?' etc. Gulp.)

I'm so relieved it physically hurts. It's changing him - he's really coming into his own. Each day that has passed over the last week has seen bigger smiles than ever, more outgoing behaviour - the actions of a little boy, as opposed to a toddler. It's so wonderful to see him bloom like this and amazing, if unsurprising, that language is such a key to it all.

He's also decided to potty train himself. I put him upstairs for a nap this afternoon and continued bashing away at my computer as he shouted 'weeee' from on high. 'He's having a good time,' thought I, as the 'weeee'ing increased in volume and urgency. I finally decided to investigate five minutes later to find him nappy-less and pissing all over his pillow. For the rest of the day he continually removed clothes and nappies and took himself off to the pot. Although several wees were on target, many more are currently festering on the carpet, sofa and various other soft furnishings in the 32 degree heat. He might be ready, I am not.

Any road up, I'm well pleased that we can celebrate his achievements with a holiday at the end of the week. Let's just hope it doesn't rain!


Anonymous said...

So that's another word he knows: wee!

Anonymous said...

So pleased for Elliot and you two!

Tooting bird said...

you see! you see! God bless y'all x

Anonymous said...

That´s the best news of the week! Congrats!! And keep up the good work, E.!!!

princessfairytoes said...

Well done that boy.

Anonymous said...

Whoa! Smart lad eh! Jolly good show.