Wednesday, October 04, 2006

All the news that's fit to print

Has it been so long? My blogging is woefully inadequate.

Eliott is saying lots of words and has a lisp - it's very "me when I was a toddler". He has also started with the childminder and I feel like a new woman. He has pooed and puked all over her already so I'd say they've bonded.

I never did put any weight back on after my illness and in fact, after a bit of careful - but healthy - eating, I lost a bit more. It's hard to convince people that 7st12 (ay carumba!) is my natural state and I'm not on a suicidal size 00 mission. I'm honestly not. While I'm in no rush to lose more, I don't want the post-pregnancy pounds back either and have bought a short & stripey sweater dress to prove it. It really is the eighties (I weighed 7st12 then too).

My first interview for Love It! was published and I should have my first in Observer Woman next Sunday (woo). Work is busy and buzzy and I'm trying hard to carve out time to get my novel-writing going again. First job is to find an agent (like that's going to be easy). Matt and I also worked on a pitch together, which was interesting. He contracted man-flu right at the crucial last minute and lay in bed groaning while I worked (and ranted) into the wee hours in a flurry of sheer panic. I wonder if we'll get it....

Having the childminder one day a week, plus Matt's day on Eliott watch, means I actually get time to relax and have watched several films to celebrate (TransAmerica, Constant Gardener...). We even went to the cinema with El today to see Hoodwinked. It was great, if a little embarrassing as El insisted on shouting things out really loudly to every character he liked. I plugged him up with popcorn, which he didn't seem to mind.

My final exciting news is that I am doing something Proper Bo with a Morrisons (the supermarket - I know!) publication. It's my destiny.


Anonymous said...

Of all the reasons to shop at Morrisons, I'd say Sean Bean is my primary one, but for a very close second I will snoop out your article!

Anonymous said...

Jojo, that's fantastic all round. Get the Observer every Sunday will scour for your article.

Anonymous said...

Hey Jo, great to see you are doing so well. I love it when kids shout stuff out in the cinema. At the end of Finding Nemo, he said :I love you" to someone and Emily shouted out "I love you too, Nemo"
How class is that?
PS I pitched Asda mag once and not so much as a reply :)

Anonymous said...

I read your piece on-line this morning. Great stuff.

Fashion Detective said...

Thanks for reading, H.
Linda - I'll have to tell you the story of how I got the More Reasons thing. One of those typical coincidences you get in our job. And by the way - I was on my way to read your new creative writing blog and got sidetracked by the Pingu link! I'll return when Eliott isn't in tow and read it properly...