Tuesday, November 07, 2006

This life, that's life

BBC2 are repeating the complete series of This Life ahead of the big reunion. After I got past Egg being called Egg again on screen (he's always been Egg to me) I started feeling all dreamy and reminiscent.

It's weird to feel so nostalgic about 1997. I thought nostalgia ended after 1992, but evidently I got even older than I thought possible. When I watched This Life the first time around I wanted to be in it (the world the characters lived in that is, not the series). They were living the life that I thought I should be living at the time. I wanted to be having passionate affairs, gay friends, interesting flatmates and being the crazy bird at parties. Of course, looking back I appreciate that I had/was all those things. Shame you don't see what's right in front of you at the time.

Now I'm old and settled and watched with a sentimental tear in my eye as Egg got his dinkle out and Anna screwed her nose up a lot. I was amazed at how many dusty feelings a silly TV drama can reveal. I'm older and wiser and happier now, but that didn't stop me getting dewy-eyed. I'm celebrating my fourth wedding anniversary today, but I'm still far too proud to be known as the crazy bird at parties (when we've got a babysitter). Even hearing that theme tune, I did long, for a second, for those heady days of my twenties when there was a promise of something really dramatic and bonkers around the corner and I still got into situations that would make me cringe for a lifetime. I could have killed for five minutes back in my old shared flat with all that laughter, drama, alcohol, pent-up ambition and excitment.

I would love to be, just for a day, the girl who thought she was an adult, but was so far removed from a grown-up she couldn't even see it on the horizon. It was a good time, a wild time and a long time ago.

But, y'know, just like This Life, that life was probably overrated.


Anonymous said...

I loved This Life as well and I'm having similar feelings watching it again - I'd just moved to London when it started before, whereas know I recognise the places they go (including the Royal Courts of Justice!) and see it through, if not more jaded, then experienced eyes.

Mind you, what's more strange is that I know one of the stars now and found myself averting my eyes when they are nekkid on screen.

Anonymous said...

Ferdy, such a wanker. But he was Tanita Tikaram's (half?) brother, don't you know!

Minks said...

where are you now tanita? That life was great but this life is even better x

Anonymous said...

You are fucking right, minklberry!

Anonymous said...

Aren't they making a 10 years later one off?