Thursday, April 20, 2006

Enough is Enough

Ok. I admit it. Not coping very well at all.

I've done ten magazine features so far this year, seven features for the web, 14 beauty news stories & features and re-edited an entire website. Is this a lot for a part-timer? I have no idea. I'm probably just being a big wimp, but it certainly feels like a lot.

And, in case you think I'm a queen lightweight, I still have no childcare in place.

People keep asking me 'how I do it'. The truth is, not very well. I'm flying by the seat of my pants and working like a dog, until midnight most nights, having a very limited social life (read: virtually non-existent), doing no exercise and plonking Eliott in front of his Dvds for an hour a day while I scurry into the kitchen to make surreptitious phone calls to editors and interviewees.

On Good Friday I was interviewing a real life case study while Eliott was winding the phone cord around his waist and screaming "Bowwwww!!!" at the top of his voice.

It's hardly ideal.

Now, don't get me wrong, I don't expect any sympathy. This isn't a cry for help. I'm over the moon about my writing and all the opportunities that have come my way over the last six months. I mostly love what I'm doing and have a regular flow of ideas and heaps more contacts than I've ever had.

But on nights like last night, when I finally logged off and crawled into bed at 12.45am only for Eliott to uncharacteristically wake up at 1am (and, even more uncharacteristically, stay awake until 4am), I feel like taking all ten Diazepam tablets the doctor has prescribed me for my terrifying flight to Ibiza, and sleeping for a week.

Something has got to give. And that's my last cliche of the evening.

Oh, and by the way, my BIG interview was with Cynthia Lennon (and anyone who knows me or has read my blog for any length of time will know what a MAJOR deal that was ). It's out now in REAL magazine as part of my "Casualties of Fame" feature. Yay!


Anonymous said...

for someone not coping very well you're coping brilliantly.

Anonymous said...

I think Heather says it really well!

Well done on all that work, hope your holiday gives you a good chance to recharge hon.


Tooting bird said...

I feel like the World's Laziest Person after reading that. Hats off to you, madam!

Anonymous said...

I have to disagree, dearest SJ, you are doing very bloody well at all! Am very proud. x

Glowstars said...

Am dead impressed - having seen Yuri attempting the same with Tommy, I admire you totally - I know I couldn't do it.

Anonymous said...

Hello Jo,

Have just found my way here again after clicking through from the journos' forum. All you can do is be kind to yourself. Get yourself an early night or two. Don't fall into the trap that I did that says time you have for 'you' is all taken up with work. Absolutely nobody will think you are a wimp or a lightweight. The world won't stop turning if you give yourself a are doing some brilliant features and eds are calling on you - a fantastic position to be in - so do the best you can but don't expect too much of yourself...that's when problems begin.
Take care

Minks said...

Obviously you're not busy enough, so when you've got a minute, tell us 6 weird things about yourself.

Anonymous said...

Well done Jo, I know how difficult it can be burning the midnight oil so to speak. I'll look out for your interview with Cythina Lennon, and do keep us posted on any further scoops.